Life-Sparring Podcast - Round 19: Fabian - Shadowboxing April/May 2022 - New World Order

Life-Sparring Podcast - Round 19: Fabian - Shadowboxing April/May 2022 - New World Order

Life-Sparring Podcast - Round 19: Show Notes


Shadowboxing rounds are solo episodes where I, Life-Sparring host Fabian Gruber share "What's On and Poppin" in my life, what current books provide "Food for Thought," and what else is going on. There are no interviews, just a bit of solo rambling and occasionally some awful singing.

This episode is somewhat of a comeback after an almost four-month podcasting hiatus. As it looks, a lot changed, and in the meantime, we entered a new world order.
My thoughts on the state of the world and how to deal with such a historic inflection point are the show's main topic. Even the books reviewed in the "Food for Thought" segment fit the theme.

This is probably a bit of a heavier solo round; let me know if you liked it.

Resources mentioned in this episode:

Life-Sparring Podcast straight from the Ironing Board Studio - Instagram Picture

Life-Sparring - YouTube Channel

Fabian’s reading list on Goodreads.

Robert Moor’s: “On Trails: An Exploration”: Goodreads and on Amazon (Affiliate Link)

Ray Dalio’s “Principles for Dealing with the Changing World Order: Why Nations Succeed and Fail” on Goodreads and on Amazon (Affiliate Link)

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About the Life-Sparring Podcast:

Sparring is an important part of martial arts; it is the reality check of your abilities. As Mike Tyson famously said: "Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth." Life-Sparring takes the sparring from the ring into real life. Hear Life-Sparring host Fabian Gruber punching above his weight, interviewing top experts in their respective fields, trying to fight (his own) mediocrity one round at a time.

The Life-Sparring podcast is hosted by Fabian Gruber and produced by Thomas Latter.

Intro and Outro beat is produced by Markezi Producer.

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