Life-Sparring Podcast - Round 14: Jonathan de Potter - Lo and Behold, We talk Plant Medicine

Life-Sparring Podcast - Round 14: Jonathan de Potter - Lo and Behold, We talk Plant Medicine

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Life-Sparring Podcast - Round 14: Jonathan de Potter - Lo and Behold, We talk Plant Medicine


In Life-Sparring Round 14, Jonathan de Potter, founder and CEO of Behold Retreats, takes us on a trip far outside my comfort zone and our usual range of topics. Lo and behold, we are talking psychedelic plant medicine!

After a career in technology and consulting, Jonathan de Potter had a profound psychedelic experience in an Ayahuasca retreat in Peru that changed the course of his life and eventually led to Jonathan founding Behold Retreats.

My personal experience with Plant Medicine has been limited to Chamomile tea, and so far, I have never felt a need to unlock my subconscious through a psychedelic experience. However, I believe in science and psychedelics received in recent years a scientific renaissance. Reputable institutes like Johns Hopkins or the Imperial College London are conducting studies on substances like Psilocybin and Ayahuasca, showing promising results in treating addictions, trauma, and depression.

However, when talking about psychedelics, you quickly enter a rabbit hole that leads from science to philosophical questions and the esoteric. Is the self just an illusion? Where does our consciousness come from? Is there really a god molecule?

My discussion with Jonathan de Potter touches on a lot of these topics. I hope you find it as thought-provoking as I do.

Life-Sparring Round 14 is the first show, we are also releasing as a video episode on YouTube. If you prefer video over audio, head over to the Life-Sparring YouTube channel, or watch the video right here!

Resources mentioned in this episode:

Jonathan de Potter - LinkedIn

Behold Retreats - Official Website

Science Graphic of the Week: How Magic Mushrooms Rearrange Your Brain - Wired Magazine

Johns Hopkins Center for Psychedelic & Consciousness Research - Website

The science of psilocybin and its use to relieve suffering - Roland Griffiths on TedMed

MAPS - Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies - Website

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About the Life-Sparring Podcast:

Sparring is an important part of martial arts; it is the reality check of your abilities. As Mike Tyson famously said: "Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth." Life-Sparring takes the sparring from the ring into real life. Hear Life-Sparring host Fabian Gruber punching above his weight, interviewing top experts in their respective fields, trying to fight (his own) mediocrity one round at a time.

The Life-Sparring podcast is hosted by Fabian Gruber and produced by Thomas Latter.

Intro and Outro beat is produced by Markezi Producer.

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