Life-Sparring Podcast - Round 6: Re(n)al Talk with Dr. Chun Ki Chan

Life-Sparring Podcast - Round 6: Re(n)al Talk with Dr. Chun Ki Chan

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Life-Sparring Podcast - Round 6: Show Notes


I struggled with hydration all my life. Without conscious efforts to increase my water intake, I easily forget about it, especially when I am zoned in on a work problem, writing an article, or mapping out a podcast episode.

My mother reminded me that I likely would end up with kidney stones for all of my childhood. In recent years, my wife took over the role of hydration-shaming me. No wonder that I am interested in hydration and renal function in general.

A few years ago, I backed an ill-fated Kickstarter project promising a wrist-worn hydration monitor. As there is still no such product, I recently bought a Urine Analyzer to measure specific gravity as a proxy for hydration.

This motivated me to discuss Renal Health more holistically with a real expert. Turning to LinkedIn in my search for a guest, I realized that Dr. Chun Ki Chan (Kiki) is a fellow HKUST MBA alumni. Kiki was immediately on board with the idea, and after having to reschedule due to a kidney transplantation (!!), we finally were able to record a show together.

Motivated by the romance of medical-themed TV dramas, Kiki studied medicine and became a urologist by accident after witnessing a kidney transplantation in her first clinical internship.

Kiki has been a practicing Urologist in the Hong Kong public hospital system for more than a decade; she trains other doctors in surgical procedures and is co-organizing the efforts to build a database on renal cancer for the Hong Kong public hospitals. Besides, Kiki is just a breath of fresh air and generously shares her knowledge and experience.

If you always wondered if your bladder could rupture if you hold your pee for too long; if you get kidney stones from lack of hydration, and if supplements can impact your renal health, this show is perfect for you.

If not, I hope you still listen anyway. If you have any additional questions regarding renal health, send them our way, and we will follow-up!

Resources mentioned in this episode:

Dr. Chun Ki Chan (Kiki’s) LinkedIn Account

Contec BC 401 Urine Analyzer Fabian is using - official website

Round 3 of the Life-Sparring Podcast, where Fabian talks about Urine Analysis.

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About the Life-Sparring Podcast:

Sparring is an important part of martial arts; it is the reality check of your abilities. As Mike Tyson famously said: "Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth." Life-Sparring takes the sparring from the ring into real life. Hear Life-Sparring host Fabian Gruber punching above his weight, interviewing top experts in their respective fields, trying to fight (his own) mediocrity one round at a time.

The Life-Sparring podcast is hosted by Fabian Gruber and produced by Thomas Latter.

Intro and Outro beat is produced by Markezi Producer.

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