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Google Knows: Life-Sparring - A Site you can Trust (When it Comes to Niche Topics Like Boxing Sensors)

Google search has been the biggest organic driver of traffic to since the early days of the blog.

Recently one of the most popular articles on Life-Sparring is a review of the Everlast and PIQ Boxing Sensor, which was published in December 2017. Almost all visitors to this article are coming via Google.

Surprised by the popularity, I hit the search engine myself and no wonder! For the search word combination “Everlast and PIQ Boxing Sensor,” Life-Sparring ranks 2nd among the organic search results, just behind the official website of Everlast.

Even for the search words, “Boxing Sensor,” Life-Sparring ranks solid amongst the top ten search results.

This find really made my day. As it seems, writing long-form blog articles is not all a waste of time!

And coincidentally, I am working on a new article on a rivaling boxing sensor just now.

Stay tuned!