All tagged MyFitnessPal

Withings Body Scan Connected Health Station – Is the Newest Body Composition Scale Worth its Aggressive Price Tag, and how Does it Stack up Against DEXA and the Competition?

I am a passionate self-quantifier and believe in the Quantified Self adaption of the Peter Drucker philosophy: “You can’t manage what you don’t measure.” Therefore, I have tracked my body weight and composition almost daily with a non-connected body fat scale for the last decade.

The lack of connectivity of my old scale and the opportunity to upgrade to a newer device with more inbuilt functionality interested me when Withings announced the Body Scan during the 2022 Electronic Consumer Show. Body Scan is Withings most recent and most advanced body composition scale and the first with a handle. It is branded as Connect Health Station, and besides weight and body composition, it also analyses cardiovascular health and electrodermal activity and runs a full ECG during the weigh-in.

The device is not cheap, so after testing it for more than two months, it is about time to do a proper review and compare how it stacks up in terms of accuracy with competitors and a DEXA scan!

Going all Keto: Week One - Five Insights of a Keto Beginner

Tired of gaining weight despite a high level of physical activity, I decided to pull the nuclear option and go on a full-blown ketogenic diet. As there are a lot of useful resources on ketosis, but not many detailed jargon-free reports for beginners, I tried, to sum up the experience of my first week on the keto diet in this article. Enjoy!